Success Story: iBOTA Pantai Kerang Mas YB/LA-B002 Lampung
Posted by YC4SJA at 2025-01-12 23.17.31 | Add CommentOn January 11-12, 2025, the iBOTA - Beaches On The Air activation took place at the picturesque Pantai Kerang Mas in Lampung Timur. This event was a resounding success, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the shorecasters: YB4TM, YB4SNK, YC4SMD, YC4SJA, YF4SDS, and YG4SDN.
The beach was sponsored by YC4SJA, who, along with the rest of the team, made almost 700 QSOs. The activation not only provided a fun and engaging experience for all participants but also promoted the beautiful beaches around the world, not just those in Indonesia.
The main purpose of the iBOTA program is to have fun and promote beaches globally. However, it also serves as an amateur radio award program where participants can earn points. Points are automatically generated by the system when a QSO is confirmed by both shorecasters and waveriders. These points can be viewed on the user profile, and a confirmation QSO is essential based on the simple rules of the program.
Check out the simple rules here.
The activation saw the six shorecasters operating in shifts of just about 8 - 10 hours all together, working exclusively on the 7.130 MHz 40m band, resulting in almost 700 QSOs.
Pantai Kerang Mas, often referred to as the "Hidden Gem of Lampung Timur," offers pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters, making it an ideal location for such an activation. The event was a fantastic opportunity for amateur radio enthusiasts to connect with fellow operators around the world and contribute to the global BOTA community.
We encourage all waveriders and iBOTA chasers to log their QSOs on the iBOTA website and check their points on their profiles. For more information, you can refer to the simple rules on the iBOTA website.
Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event a memorable success! 🌊📡
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- 2025-01-13 02.08.10
iBOTA Pantai Kerang Mas
fom :
- 2025-01-13 01.42.51
Antena dobel bazoka
Antena sederhana dobel bazoka om dave..biasa dipakai utk portable juga, alhamdulillah reflektor alam dan propagasi juga bagus dari pagi sampai petang memancar, arah utara selatan
- 2025-01-13 01.33.09
Keren OM Sumadi!
Wah wire bisa gitu perlu dispill tuch cara buatnya😀 sayang kepekanbaru propagasi kurang menguntungkan om. Jd cuma log sama 2 activator YB4SNK/P & YF4SDS/P diakhir aktivasi menjelang maghrib. Sukses terus om Sumadi dan kawan2 ORLOK METRO, ditunggu aktivasi selanjutnya 🥳 73 -
- 2025-01-13 00.57.50
Salam sukses
Salam sukses selalu, terimakasih suport nya untuk om Dave dan team dxprotable,antena pakai wire om,kebetulan lokasi dan propagasi mendukung. Kita juga kaget selama ini aktivasi pantai,baru di kerang mas ini,jam 4-6 utc sudah bisa ber QSO dengan call area 9. Semangat terus om Dave dan team dxprotable untuk lebih inovatif lagi.
By Sumadi-YC4SMD -
- 2025-01-12 23.22.55
Sukses Orlok Metro!
Terimakasih untuk aktivasi yang luar biasa team iBOTA Pantai Kerang Mas, 🥳ditunggu aktivasi selanjutnya ya .. Antennanya mantap hampir nyampe 700 qso cuma 8jam aktivasi dengan total 6 aktivator, boleh spill pakai antenna apa kemaren om Dodo?🤔
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