DXPortable Standard Rules

1. Respect and Courtesy: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Harassment, discrimination, or abusive language will not be tolerated.

2. Authenticity: Use your real callsign and accurate information in your profile. Impersonation of other members is strictly prohibited.

3. Activity and Participation: Engage in activities and participate in programs in an honest and fair manner. Any form of cheating or manipulation is prohibited.

4. Content Sharing: Share content that is relevant and appropriate. Avoid sharing offensive or inappropriate material.

5. Privacy: Respect the privacy of other members. Do not share personal information without consent.

6. Compliance: Follow all applicable laws and regulations related to amateur radio operations.

7. Reporting Issues: Report any issues, bugs, or suspicious activities to the admin team promptly.

8. No Spamming: Avoid spamming the community with irrelevant or repetitive messages.

9. Use of Gems and Membership Points: Use gems and membership points according to the guidelines provided. Unauthorized transactions or misuse will result in penalties.

10. Admin Decisions: Respect the decisions made by the admin team. Their decisions are final and made in the best interest of the community.

11. Teamspeak 3 Servers: The use of Teamspeak 3 servers is strictly prohibited. Server owners are not allowed to use our registered names for their servers or rooms.

12. Log Upload and Confirmation: Activators must upload their logs within a maximum of 3 days after the activation. All chasers must be registered members to confirm a QSO (contact) through the "Add Chaser Log" feature. Non-member chasers agree to be included in our Non-Members Board List until they complete the registration process.

Special Note for Indonesian Amateur Radio Members

13. Notification for External Activations: If you plan to conduct activations outside your designated area, you must notify the local Indonesian Amateur Radio officers with an official announcement letter prior to the activation. This ensures compliance with local regulations and promotes coordination within the amateur radio community.

14. Sponsorship Rules for Indonesian Members: Sponsorships from outside the call area are not allowed. Only local Indonesian Amateur Radio members can sponsor a program within their own call area, except for unlisted program sponsorships, in which case all sponsors or gem holders are allowed to sponsor.

15. Finding Sponsors: If you are not going to sponsor your own program, find a sponsor within your call area before creating an unlisted program.

Non Members

No. Callsign Count Action
1 YD2RY 17 Remove
2 YD1BYW 16 Remove
3 YD1EVQ 16 Remove
4 YC4NBD 15 Remove
5 YD1FFA 14 Remove
6 YE4HDY 14 Remove
7 YB2VSY 14 Remove
8 YD9BHR 13 Remove
9 YC2VA 13 Remove
10 YG1BXT 13 Remove
show more (959 total)

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Name Checkpoint Code Category Country Action
Bendungan Benteng YB/SN-L003 Lake Indonesia Activate!
Geosite Goa Kelelawar Padayo YB/SB-V002 Vacation Indonesia Activate!
Danau Bandar Khayangan YB/RI-L001 Lake Indonesia Activate!


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